Friday, August 14, 2009

I've posted this picture before but am thinking a lot about my son today. He brought this hollowed out log home for me one day. The flowers just keep blooming, I use it as a reminder to pray for him.

I also looked up Titus 3:2 that was referenced in an earlier post this week.

" speak evil of no one, to avoid quarreling, to be gentle, and to show perfect courtesy toward all people."

These few words are packed full of how I should treat not only those outside my family, but especially those I come into contact day in and day out.

Paul refers to this as gospel living, we are to take the initiative to show all manner of good to all sorts of people. Perfect courtesy literally means meekness/gentleness. (ESV study notes)

Next week I will be posting about eating.


Gigi said...

Thanks Jody...I really need that verse today.

Edie said...

Hi Jody! I love the log with the beautiful flowers blooming all over it. How thoughtful of your son.

I needed this reminder today. I've been a bit too harsh with my words lately as I get frustrated.

I hope you are doing well.

Much love to you!