Tuesday, March 2, 2010

God Sees-God Knows

I am convinced more and more each day as I read God's Word, the only way to go through the Bible is with a daily reading plan. In years past I have used devotionals, or Our Daily Bread, or a plan I make up on my own. But the day in day out reading is working for me. The plan I use is found in the back of my English Standard Version Study Bible. There are 2 sections from the Old Testament, a psalm and a section from the New Testament. Not many days pass that God is not opening the eyes of my heart to Who He is. Yesterday it was:
"God saw the people of Israel-and God knew."
Exodus 2:25
I took time to check some cross references found in Exodus 3:7,16; 4:31; Nehemiah9:9; Psalm 106:44.
It is reassuring and sometimes convicting that God sees and God knows. In times of blessing, in dark nights of the soul, times when I am ashamed He sees my wicked heart. 
But because of the precious blood of my Savior Jesus, I am covered in his righteousness, I am forgiven, I am taken care of, I am loved. God sees-God knows but sees me through Jesus. 
Rejoice and worship:
"And the people believed; and when they heard that the Lord had visited the people of Israel and that he had seen their affliction, they bowed their heads and worshipped."
Exodus 4:31

1 comment:

Janel said...

Love the Exodus 2:25 verse.