Wednesday, July 21, 2010

A Summer Confession

I think I'm coming down with something and it isn't a summer cold. I am under the weather with SSS.
With the summer comes a much less structured schedule. Staying up later, sleeping in a little later than usual. Although I have been on vacation for a couple of weeks. Wanting to capture every moment of warm summer sun Lauren and I have been enjoying being outside. If you are a regular reader of my blog, you have seen a lot of  pictures this summer. With all that I have caught the bug of Summer Spiritual Sloth=slackness, idleness, laziness.
I haven't stopped my daily Bible reading, but I have to confess it has been done as I run out the door to soak up another day. I have been reading through the book of Zephaniah(it's in the Old Testament :), and the book of Ephesians.
In Christ I have redemption, the forgiveness of my sins, I have been lavished(love that word) with the riches of God's grace through Christ Jesus. In Christ I have obtained an inheritance, and sealed with the Holy Spirit who is the guarantee of my inheritance.(Ephesians 1:3-14)
To the praise of God's glory I am in Christ whether I"ve spent hours in Bible study and prayer or have slighted my soul by not feeding it like I should, racing through a summer day, giving Jesus,the lover of my soul, a quick glance.
God's Word is always the remedy.

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