Thursday, September 4, 2008


What in the world is YBH? If you've ever read Elizabeth George's books, she uses ybh quite often. Read on! I woke early one morning not ready to start the day. You guessed it, I'm not a morning person, but the day beckoned with errands to do for college and school bound children, bills to pay, taxiing to be done and meals to carefully made, ok, maybe just thrown together, then eaten in 5 minutes or less. Before I even raised my brunette, with some white, locks off my pillow, I was reminded that my first thought was not, " this is the day the Lord has made I will rejoice and be glad in it,..." but all that I believed I need to accomplish for the day. I sat up and thanked the Lord for reminding ever so gently, since I wasn't quite awake, to commit the day He had given me to Him and acknowledge Him in all my ways. That is, for that day, how I made it my goal to know Him. Which brings me back to ybh. Yes, but how? It is a choice as life is lived in the details to abide in Christ by making Him the honored center of your life. Whether you are a mom at home with 3 kids changing diapers all day, a soccer mom who goes from your work place to your children's activities, or a single woman wanting to be married or a widow wondering where you fit or wherever life finds you today, choosing Christ, identifying yourself with Him is the ybh.

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