This is a post I wrote almost two years ago. I have just returned from another visit, thinking about my mom a lot. She has persevered the past 2 1/2 years, making decisions and making a "new normal" life. It has not been easy and you never get over the passing away of a spouse or loved one, but she presses on modeling kindness and patience for her daughters and those around her.
As I've been visiting my mom here on the farm I grew up on, I've had opportunity to go through my dad's well-worn Bible. It is also high-lighted in various colors, but one that caught my undivided attention was in Proverbs.
As I've been visiting my mom here on the farm I grew up on, I've had opportunity to go through my dad's well-worn Bible. It is also high-lighted in various colors, but one that caught my undivided attention was in Proverbs.
"Who can find a virtuous woman? for her price is far above rubies,..."
"She looketh well to the ways of her household, and eateth not the bread of idleness. Her children arise up, and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praiseth her." 31:10, 27, 28
I've watched my mom for more years than I'm going to tell on a blog! but she definitely is the Proverbs 31 woman and much more. I know she will blush at the thought of me talking about her here, but she is the example I have followed in being the woman God wants me to be. So I come to see her as much as I can.
You Need A Mother Very Badly
You Need A Mother Very Badly
I think I should probably study that section of Proverbs. However, not to influence my wife. She does a pretty good job of being a virtuous woman who wants to serve the Lord and others.
The interesting thing is, I have noticed the saying "Proverbs 31 Woman" coming up a lot lately. And it is not coming from conversation men have. I always hear it on the radio in little two or three minute segments designed for Woman's ministry. So, here is the catch: I tend to avoid it as it seems to me to be a place I, as a man do not belong. Kind of like shopping and finding myself with my wife in the ladies undergarmets section. Men usually feel there is an invisible barrier associated with these things. For woman only. Men keep out!
Never thought of it that way, I see what you are saying though.
God bless you for honoring your mom.
What a wonderful, loving tribute to your Mom...sounds like you're each blessed!
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