I was swishing the toilet bowl earlier this week making sure the house was clean before I take off for a couple of days. On my way to our district women's conference this morning.
As I had my head in the toilet bowl, I thought, or better yet, God reminded me, that everything I do is to honor Him. Really Lord? Cleaning the toilet? I knew this wasn't just a random thought, for God is not random.
I teach, write, and try to live by the help of the Holy Spirit that "so whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God." (1 Corinthians 10:31) so does that include yucky housework?
The note in my study Bible says "every aspect of of every Christian's life has the potential to honor God."
Every aspect, whether in up front ministry or behind the scenes cleaning toilets, we are to glorify God. 
Amen Jody...we are here for His pleasure! And we know from His Word that we are to do everything as if working for Him - Colossians 3:17,23.
Amen Jody!
when we do this it makes our job more joyful.. and you will never feel worthless for your always working as unto the Lord!
Tamela :)
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