Thursday, September 17, 2009

These are several scriptures I pray for myself that help me focus on God and His Word. The daily intake of His Word is something I discipline myself to do along with asking God to:

"Open my eyes that I may behold wonderful things from Your law"
Psalm 119:18

help me to see that
"Your testimonies also are my delight; they are my counselors"
Psalm 119:24

Asking God to

"Incline my heart to His testimonies and not to dishonest gain."
Psalm 119:36

Wanting to be able to say with the psalmist
"O how I love Your law! It is my meditation all the day."
Psalm 119:97

I like the following definition of discipline taken from

"activity, exercise, or a regimen that develops or improves a skill; training:"

Discipline is not a bad thing but an activity or exercise that helps us improve something, this something being reading, meditating, memorizing God's Word on a daily basis. I want to know God better that is a good thing. How else can I know and love Him apart from His Word?
A great book on the disciplines of the Christian life is by Donald Whitney, you can find it here.

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