Thursday, October 8, 2009

God is Good

It is pretty quiet at my house these days. There are no football or volleyball games to go to in the evenings. Our 5th grader doesn't have much homework and with only three of us at home for dinner, the dishwasher doesn't even have to be ran everyday. I almost feel guilty for being able to go to bed at a decent time because 'I can', now that four children are not demanding my every waking minute.
 Twenty-some years ago I thought this day would never come. I was in the middle of babies and toddlers demanding my every minute. They grew into teenagers who needed to be picked up after practice, taken to the mall to do some shopping or driven to a friend's house.  You really start to believe your mini-van is the local taxi service that some days just goes in circles.
Honestly I thought many times I just wanted to do "real" ministry. I wanted to teach Sunday School, lead women's Bible Studies, counsel the hurting, have leisurely coffee with a friend, or just take a bath without a wrestling match turning into a trip to the ER with someone having a broken collar bone.
My nest isn't quite empty, but "real" ministry happens whatever season I have found myself in.  Whatever I do I  make it my goal to do all to the glory of God. (1 Corinthians 10:31) and to love God with my entire being.
I have two new positions this fall. I get to help good friends of ours take care of their baby, so they can do what God has called them to do and I get to work in women's ministries in our local church and at a district level as I was appointed assistant director of our women's ministries this summer.
Today God has given me the best of both worlds, work, ministry and my youngest daughter still at home keeping me company.
My hubby keeps me company too.


Janel said...

And just think about the ministry we can have with our kids! It may be the toughest ministry job we have our whole life, yet so rewarding!

Jody said...

Totally agree with you Janel. It is a tough job, but as I am looking back it IS the most rewarding I've ever done. Children are God's gift to His people.