Tuesday, October 13, 2009

JOB Studies

My Sunday School class continued studying JOB this week, going over chapters eight and nine. Another friend of Job has come one the scene, Bildad, offering advice, which Job finds no comfort in. We also studied several New Testament passages regarding suffering and what God wants to teach us regarding suffering. I posed the question:
"What do you think are some of the reasons God allows suffering?" There were several great, biblically based answers. My favorite was "suffering brings us closer to the cross." (D.S.)I've already heard from some of you regarding suffering, but would love to hear from any of you and your thoughts regarding suffering.

These are the NT passages we studied.
Romans 8:16-18;  II Thessalonians 1:3-8; Colossians 1:24; I Peter 2:18-23; I Peterb3:14-17; I Peter 4:1-2, 13-19, I Peter 5:8-10

Onto Chapter Ten


Lori said...

Suffering empties us completely so that God's spirit can do its work in us. It gets us 'out of the way' so that we can receive.

Terri said...

It's interesting that you are studying suffering because I lead a ladies Bible study and our last chapter in the book we are doing was on suffering.

I think the Lord allows suffering in our lives in order to strengthen us and help us grow. When we keep our eyes on Him and allow Him to work through our suffering, His character is shown through it. We are at our strongest in the midst of our suffering because it is then that we need God the most. I find I'm the closest to God when I am in the midst of a struggle or trial. Also, often our suffering may not have anything to do with us, but may benefit those watching our response in the midst of it.