Monday, January 25, 2010

People have said to me they don't like to follow a Bible reading plan for the year because it doesn't allow for the Holy Spirit to lead and limits how God can work. Who says?
In my experience as recent as last week, God works however and whenever He so desires. I like to follow a plan, keeping me focused, reading and meditating on the whole counsel of God, not just bits and pieces, but in its  entirety.
I am going through the book of Genesis and read chapter 22:1-14 last week where God asks Abraham  to sacrifice his only son as a burnt offering, the son whom he loved.
I am struck by verse 3:
"So Abraham rose early in the morning, saddled his donkey, and took two of his young men with him..."

Abraham's response to his heavenly Father was immediate and prompt. He was convinced that God knew what He was doing by asking this of Abraham.
"He said, Do not lay your hand on the boy or do anything to him, for now I know that you fear God, seeing that you have not withheld your son, you only son, from me."
Abraham's actions were a confirmation to God of Abraham's faithful obedience to Him.

What about you? Is your obedience prompt? Or do you hem and haw, thinking you know better than the creator of the universe?
I want to be called the friend of God just like Abraham.(James 2:23)

There are many great reading plans that will take you through the Bible in a year. The plan I follow takes me through 2 OT passages, Psalms, and 1 NT passage everyday. I would be glad to recommend several if you are looking for one.

1 comment:

Gigi said...

Jody, I read through the Bible yearly as well. I always look forward to January 1st and Genesis!

Thank you for asking about Bruce...he is doing so well! In fact, he was released from the hospital on Friday and was back at church and in Sunday school on Sunday, although another classmate gave the lesson. As his wife, Sandy, said, "God is so good!" Thank you for your prayers, Jody!