Wednesday, May 19, 2010

What Did You Expect?? Part 2

Rather than write a lengthy reveiw I will post some quotes from this book. It is one of the best books I have read on the subject, but it is lengthy, almost 300 pages. There is so much to chew on I will be reading this one again, probably on the plane when I fly out of Syracuse tomorrow.
"Healthy marriages are healthy because the people in those marriages have learned to recognize and say no to selfish instincts that lurk in their hearts and in the heart of every one of us."(p.119)

"God wasn't so much giving Adam a physical helper for the work in the garden as he was giving him a companion." (p.145)

1 John 4:7-12,16b-21 is our best definition of love. "You get your best definition of love from an event, the most important event in human history. You get your best definition of love from the cross of the Lord Jesus Christ. Christ's sacrifice of love is the ultimate definition of what love is and what love does. In this passage John is calling us to cruciform love, that is, love that shapes itself to the cross of the Lord Jesus Christ (cruci=cross an form=in the shape of).
If you are looking for a book that will help your marriage or you know someone who could benefit from applying God's Word to marriage, I would highly recommend this book. I will be adding it to my Top 10 List.

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