Monday, October 11, 2010

My Friend Sally

I recently talked with a good friend who called me to say she was moving.
Sally,(not her real name) is a widow, but don't let the label fool you. I first met Sally almost fifteen years ago. She was working full-time, spending much of her spare time at church or practicing hospitality in her home. Not to mention the many grandchildren she was trying to keep up with. I admired her from the very beginning because of her zest for life, her unshamed love for our Savior and her authentic and transparent life.
She has lived in a spacious home, downsizing several years ago because she no longer needed so much space. Sally moved again this past weekend.
I am struck by the fact she has never complained about having to move. Of having to give away appliances or furniture or 'things' she has acquired over the years. I have never heard Sally bemoan the fact she is leaving friends behind or has to be further away from her loved ones. As much as she loves her family and friends, as much as she loves to entertain and bring people into her home to give them a home-cooked italian meal, she continually looks to Jesus, placing her trust in him who will provide her for everything she needs for life and godliness.(2 Peter 1:3)
This is not a post about owning homes, how we decorate those homes, or...
How do I use what God has given me for his glory? If I have to move, if I have to leave friends or family(which I've done several times), if I have drive a car that isn't so fancy? Am I attached to this world or to Jesus Christ? Can I say that Christ is always gain?
Can I say with the apostle Paul?
I count everything as loss because of the SURPASSING WORTH of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord...that I may KNOW HIM...
Phililppians 3:8-11

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